Mustang Trot T-Shirt Contest
Form went home Thursday. Original designs only (any copied designs will be disqualified because it is not legal for us to print them). Only black and white and must be handed in by the end of school on August 30th. Judging will be September 3-4th. All PTA members, sponsors, faculty and students will be able to vote. Each grade will have one winner and will receive a $10 GC to Critter's.
Register for the 2024 Mustang Trot
First 3 classrooms to have 100% registration wins a popcorn party! PLUS your student will be in a drawing to win great prizes from LIFEKour Academy at Eudaimonia, Happy Day, Lik's and Critter's! NO FUNDRAISING NECESSARY! But to be in the drawing and to get the correct size Mustang Trot T-Shirt you need to register before September 5th. Drawings will be Aug 30th, Sept 3 and Sept 6th.
Register at http://app.givebacks.gives/mustang
Mustang Trot T-Shirt Design Contest 2024: download
Save the Dates
Kick-off assembly
T-shirt entry deadline
T-shirt voting
Mustang Trot
After Trot Assembly