New Parent Tips

Welcome to Marshdale!! Here is a quick list to help make your transition to Marshdale a little easier.
The office and PTA welcome questions and are always willing to help you out!

  • Infinite Campus - This is where you set communication preferences and provide important information about your child. Please be sure to provide at least 2 parent /emergency contacts. You can decide whether you would like to receive a phone call, email, or both when school and district communications are sent. Make sure the email and phone numbers are up to date throughout the year.
  • Absences - If your child will be absent or tardy, please report this to the office in one of three ways: 1) call 303-982-5150, Option 1 and leave a message, 2) use the “Attendance” quicklink on the homepage to send an email or 3) call the office directly at 303-982-5188, If a child is not at school and we have not heard from a parent, the office will make follow-up calls. Absences can be reported in advance.
  • Student fee payment - The office is always happy to accept cash, check or credit cards for fee payments.
  • Lunch accounts - Hot lunch menus and online lunch accounts are available through SchoolCafe (see homepage for the link). Breakfast and lunch are provided free of charge.
  • Assessment days - Your child will be assigned a time on one of the 2 days to come to complete some assessments with his/her teacher. Your child otherwise will not attend school those days. Buses do not run on these days.
  • Friday folders - Are sent home every Friday (or Thursday if there is no school on Friday) and have important papers from the school. Please review, empty the folder and return it on Monday.
  • School communications - A weekly email will be sent from the main office on Sunday night. If the school calls during school hours, please answer as it is not a general information phone call.
  • Recess - We go outside in all types of weather and temperatures. Please make sure your child is ready for mountain weather every day.
  • Hug & Go - Marshdale students that do not ride the bus and will be dropped off or picked up by a parent will use what we call "Hug and Go." This is the parking lot up Ocelot Street along the turf field and tennis courts. Cars must enter the first (lower) entrance and circle around the back dirt lot (to make room for more cars). Proceed to the cone area next to the playground. Parents should remain in their vehicles. Do not let your student exit your vehicle unless you see a staff member there to keep a watch and guide them across the crosswalk. Staff will be out from 7:45-7:55 am each morning. For pick up beginning at 2:35 pm dismissal, follow the same pattern. Wait in your vehicle by the cones until a staff member escorts your child to your car.
  • Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students) - Parents (moms and dads), guardians and family members can volunteer to be an extra pair of eyes at the school. Sign up prior to volunteering and check with the office for security screening. IF the day you want is taken, still ask if you can volunteer. Often 2 DOGS will volunteer on the same day.
  • Snacks - Check with your teacher, but most classes will allow a snack time during the day.
  • Mustang Trot - In the fall the school does a fun run. Students will be asked to raise money and have the opportunity to earn prizes. Our committee is still working on the details. Fliers will come home with lots of information; read them to stay informed.
  • Spring Silent Auction - In the spring, PTA hosts an adult only silent and live auction. Classes create projects that are auctioned off, along with other amazing items.
  • Reflections - In September and October an art contest called Reflections will take place. This is a National PTA sponsored event, and will have a virtual component this year. Students create pieces in different categories representing a theme for that year. Information will be sent home. All students are encouraged to participate. Work is done at home by the student.
  • Science Fair - In January and February the school will have a Science Fair. All students are welcome to participate.
  • Talent Show - Open to students in grades 3-5. The Talent Show will be held in March this year.
  • MAC Meetings (Marshdale Accountability Committee) - Parents, staff, and community members are welcome to join the accountability committee. Meetings happen the second Tuesday of each month from 4:15-5:15 pm. This is a great way to learn more about the school and a place to have your voice heard.
  • PTA Membership - Joining the PTA is a great way to support Marshdale. Part of your dues will go directly to Marshdale and your membership gives you a voice. PTA members can vote on decisions that will affect our school. By joining the PTA you are not required to do anything, but volunteers are always welcome!
  • King Soopers - Link your King Soopers loyalty card to Marshdale and the school will receive money every time you shop for groceries.